The Railways club plays host to the two, who have been baying for each other’s blood. They are at the top 3 behind Quins and I can bet you its either Mwamba or Impala who are taking the cup home!
I check in minutes after kick-off, mama watoto kando yangu. Ayumba is in the house. This guy deserved the Union’s award for the best rugby reporter. He is with his camera guy Chris Omollo, who walks around with an elongated lens on his camera. Quiet a task being a sports photographer!
The crowd here is a bit high, and the more steps up the terrace, the higher the crowd. Chants of Mwamba inabamba reign the air and the Impala fans seem to only cheer when they come close to the touchline.
The terraces remind me of Mass Choir, which I was part of when in primary school. Singing for Mo1 and then you get free uniform plus Bata shoes and a meal at the Moi Educational Centre. Wonder what eats our guy up that he can’t have the thing revived! The wooden terraces have been eaten away by the hands of time and are dusty and an eyesore. Same as the pitch…Anyone from Kulabu to snap his fingers and make things happen....HELLO!!
Steel Pulse is around, and he makes several trips to the beer vendors to get malted! Arigi shows up, in specs. Could this guy be ageing or it’s a swag? Puree, Nyasuba and Madea show up in the A.R.M.Y. gear…those tops have been swinging traffic to the Ministry. Cant wait for what is in the pipeline this year.
Impala put up a spirited fight, but Kulabu have the better advantage. Am not a sports writer so am going to leave it at that. You can read that from the 40-bob Sunday paper!
I notice Nyasuba is flaunting her REDDS drink…that to me is like juice. I repeat, if you take a chick out and she orders for that drink, ask the waiter for fluffy yellow sconse! Nyasuba……bite me!
Mike Kwambo, he who lost his phone at Bella Vista club last year is busy scribbling points down. He looks like a scout of some sort, don’t know if he does print rugby or online rugby.
Bump on Daudi Were, also lensed up. I compare his camera to the point and shoot ones we show up at Safari 7’s with…great to link up with you. Ondiege is on cloud 9, strolling here and there in the sweet victory of his team.
Kevin ‘mbling’ Wambua is probably the sole Kao guy I know playing rugby. I may be the next one, watch this space for Facebook rugby!
Stig Masya, has a proposal that we head to K1, but not with my hangdown. Thika did more damage to a brother and cant stand another beer bottle. Next time Stig, I repeat Next time!
Arigi gives me a beer with a funny name, Omera am used to distilled things! Now how does one take this? It says ‘Enjoyed since 1880’….wtf!
Kiarie, our coast bunny did a good one. This guy can write, write and never stop writing. He has a vision for one Julie Mwamburi, who he testifies has the best *slaps* around…check it out! He talks about finding the A.R.M.Y. tees at Tesco and Mr. Price…how this is the year for the Wizara and how he has marital plans. Can’t wait for the stag night, kwanza Mombasa!
The weekend is only hours away, can’t wait!
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